A Practical Guide to Spiritual Warfare

I know this one might seem out of left field, but I want to share because I believe it is as pertinent now as it has ever been. I hope that it will be a helpful tool for you!

Spiritual warfare can be scary. It is other, and it can be outside of our control and understanding. It can seem easier to pretend like it doesn’t exist. And while God has promised us life abundantly, with peace and joy and all the other fruits of living with Him, he never said that there wouldn’t be battles. In fact, we know that Jesus told his closest friends,

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Do you remember that scene in Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix in which Hogwarts gets taken over by the Ministry of Magic via Dolores Umbridge? The Defense Against the Dark Arts gets reduced from an actual skill to be learned, practiced, and used (supporting the belief that there is something out there to for it to be used on) to essentially a theory of magical history — a concept no longer needed in action, but instead a tidy look at what once was.

Here’s the link to that scene. Gosh, it’s one of my favorite moments in the entire HP series.

Did anyone else feel like this was such a powerful allegory of the western Church? Like spiritual warfare is held as a facet of Christian history but something we don’t encounter today?

Should believers expect to encounter spiritual warfare? Should we believe in demons, and the principalities of darkness? Should we believe that the enemy has a plan for our lives, just like God does?

Or is that all overly spiritualized for following Jesus nowadays?

It’s so real.

It’s all over scripture, and I’ll be sure to link any relevant passages as I go along!

I want to share how I deal with spiritual warfare, specifically when I find myself on the defense.

When I say on the defense, I mean when I experience an attack that I wasn’t expecting. It catches me off guard.

Oftentimes for me, this comes to me in the form of dreams or nighttime encounters. It doesn’t happen super regularly, but it happens enough that I’ve learned a little more each time how to be better at it — yes, as a skill, a muscle to work out and strengthen. You know, like the old saying, I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it!

But really, we can expect it! And I’d venture to say that when you walk with Jesus, you should expect it. (1 Peter 5:8)

That’s not to entice fear or sound “woo-woo” as they say. I say it to say, be strong! Be courageous! Stand up! I don’t know about you, but if I were actually a character in that HP film, I’d want to have been in Dumbledore’s Army, you know what I’m sayin?

We do not fight with flesh and blood, but with the principalities of darkness, and it is simply healthy to be prepared! (Ephesians 6)

Here are my practical tips for encountering spiritual warfare

Recognize the spirit/principality as one of darkness. A lot of times that’s a no-brainer. It can come in a feeling of overwhelming fear, anxiety, or actually feeling or seeing something like a presence. It’s important to differentiate it from being something in myself/in a dream. Yeah, it’s scary! But when you’re in Jesus, you are equipped and He is with you! (Isaiah 41:10)

Say the name of Jesus, and cast out the presence in His name! There is truly power in His name. Even the demons know it! (Matthew 8:28-30) In these moments, sometimes I’m still really battling feelings of fear. That’s ok! I’ll remind myself that Jesus is more powerful than any other being, and He is right there with me! (1 John 4:4) Appropriating the blood of Jesus includes casting out demons — it is a mighty sword and shield in battle, and we can find comfort in that! (Acts 3:16, Mark 5)

Pray Scripture. This is as powerful as saying the name of Jesus! You do not have to be a Bible connoisseur for this - literally any scripture will do! There have been times that the only thing I could think of in the moment was John 3:16 and it was so powerful! We can even see that when Jesus himself was being tempted, attacked, and taunted in the desert. What was the primary thing he used to battle? Scripture! (Matthew 4)

Invite the Holy Spirit into the space. It can be as simple as saying “Holy Spirit, come!” I’ll often start by asking where he is. If I feel a block, or that I can’t sense his presence or where he is, I’ll spend some time praying against any separation due to sin in my life, generational curses, or ungodly beliefs. More on that in the next tip! I’ll also ask how he wants me to engage. Sometimes I have felt like that scene in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe — Aslan is looking on, but he wants Peter to pick up his sword and fight for himself. And there have been other times when the Holy Spirit told me not to engage, that it wasn’t my battle to fight. That differentiation is so helpful. Just ask and wait! (Acts 4:31, John 20:22, John 14:26)

Repentance and/or breaking agreement is sometimes necessary. I don’t believe in spiritual attack as a punishment for sin, like God is the grim-faced father waiting for you to crawl back to him so he can 1) say I told you so and 2) begrudgingly bail you out. No way! But I do think it can be a natural consequence of sin. There is a reality that when you engage in sinful behavior, beliefs, or lifestyles, it opens doors for darkness in your life and environment. I am always grateful for a humbling moment where I can see my ungodly beliefs more clearly, and come clean with the Lord. It sounds intense, and it can be, but I always feel lighter after going through a time of Spirit-led repentance. (Acts 2:38, Psalm 51:10, Hebrews 10:22)

After that, I’ll thank Jesus and move on to some offensive measures. I’ll begin by praying for protection over my home, the rooms, our family, and our property. I usually move on to praying for protection and blessing over my street, neighbors, and community. You just never know what the people around you are dealing with, struggling with, encountering, or engaging in. And I believe in being a spiritual thermostat, not just a thermometer! He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world! (1 John 4:4, Psalm 122:6-9)

Ask the Holy Spirit what else he wants me to pray. I like to think of myself as a conduit of heaven during this time. Whatever is on his heart, I want to pray. He turns those encounters of darkness around into powerful moments for us and His Kingdom. He can always take back ground and then some! This usually looks like blessing and prophesying, almost like seeing flowers blooming abundantly in a garden in place of destruction, darkness, or overgrowth. I’ve prayed prayers of Joy, reconciliation, blessing where there were once curses, and healing. This part is SO beautiful, and fun, even if it is in the middle of the night and you’re really tired. (Romans 8:26, Galatians 4:6, John 14:16, )

At any point in time, pray in tongues! If you have the spiritual gift of tongues, use it! If you don’t pray in tongues, don’t sweat it! Just keep asking the Holy Spirit what He wants you to pray! This is such a powerful weapon against the enemy, one that you can use without even having to understand what all is going on. (Romans 8:26, Acts 19:6, 1 Corinthians 12) I often find that when I pray in tongues during a time spiritual warfare/attack, it stills fear and brings a huge sense of peace.

In my experience, these are more common moments when I have experienced spiritual warfare.

During a transition time. Most times in my adult life that I’ve experienced a big transition, like moving, going on a big trip, getting married, or having kids, I have also encountered increased spiritual activity. Be on the lookout next time you are in a life transition, and take some offensive measures throughout.

Spending time in a new space. Moving into a new home, sleeping in a hotel/airbnb/someone else’s house, walking through a mall, visiting someone’s house… all of these can be common times of spiritual warfare. In fact, these are my most common times of demonic encounter! You never know what has gone on in a space, and sometimes those things linger. I like to remember that Jesus is in me, and I am a conduit of His Spirit, which is greater than any other spirit. I take authority and release peace, joy, healing, and Jesus’ Spirit!

Right before a breakthrough. Have you ever noticed that right as you begin to gain ground in an area of your life, you experience spiritual pushback? This happens to me often! If I’m really breaking ground on a struggle — like overcoming fear and anxiety, or using my voice instead of staying silent — I usually experience a bit of a tussle in the spiritual realm. It can come in the form of a distraction, an unfortunate happenstance (flat tire, kids getting sick), or an outright attack. The enemy HATES our breakthrough. I see it as a sign that I’m on an important path, and to rise up and fight harder for my breakthrough.

When I’m creating something. Our enemy hates when we create. It is a part of humanity that is in God’s likeness, and it gives him glory! We can co-create with Him, and the enemy cannot. He doesn’t have that power and he hates that likeness of God in us. Let me tell you something — if you are in the middle of creating something beautiful (music, a book, a home, your family) you can expect pushback. Well, push back on that!

Now is a time to rise up!

Tell me, have you ever experienced spiritual warfare? What was it like? How did you handle it?

You can comment, or you can always email me at sam@samantharaywriting.com.

Sending my love, and praying continually for you,


P.S. Interested in more spiritual conversation? Hop on over to A Testimony of Freedom, If You’re Hungry Go Find Food, 5 Ways to Thrive in a Waiting Season, and Limits are Invitations