What's On My Nightstand - My 8 Bedside Must-Haves!

Inspired by the What’s In Your Purse articles of Glamour magazines past, I thought it’d be fun to take a tour de nightstand and tell you my favorite must-have items!

File under: random, fun, why not?!

These bad boys get packed in a baggie on every trip so I’m never without, and if I ever do forget something, I actually have a harder time falling to sleep! These are the MVPs, the last things I do every day and first things I do in the morning. What are yours?


An insulated bottle of ice-cold water

I take hydration very, very seriously. LOL! I really do! I love water and am a firm believer most of us don’t drink enough. Especially for seasons of life that are more stressful or just full, it’s a great reminder to always have a fresh water (can’t be old, just like that little girl from Signs says) ready to go at night and first thing the next day.

I feel most enticed to really drink it up if it’s icy cold, so I use a huge insulated bottle so it stays icy even into the next day, and it doesn’t sweat. This is the exact one I use - Hydrapeak 50 oz, and it’s pink, too!

An analog alarm clock

There’s just something beautiful and relaxing about not having anything digital in the bedroom. I try to keep my phone in the kitchen at night, and I have even opted for an old-school alarm clock for the last 10 years or so. And while I’m not really using the alarm these days, I will say the clock is the first thing I look at when I wake up to check what time it is. Not to mention, it adds charm to the decor. This is the one I have, and I love it!

Hand cream

Every. single. night! When I get snuggled in bed, I put a rich hand lotion all over my hands and take a deep, cleansing breath. I don’t know where this little ritual came from, but it really is a simple signal to my brain and body to shut off and relax.

My absolute favorite hand cream is Savannah Bee Company Beeswax & Royal Jelly Hand Cream in Honey Almond! If you are a lotion snob like I am, rest assured this will be the best $12 you’ve spent in a long time! It feels and smells amazing.


If the Savannah Bee Co. lotion is like a deep conditioner for hands, Aquaphor is totally that for lips, replenishing much-needed moisture while I sleep. Every night I do a light once-over on my pout before turning off the light. I’ll even apply it to my nostrils, cuticles, and under my eyes, if I’m feeling a little dry. This stuff is just good to have on hand, as it can also be applied to burns, cuts, cracked skin, and babies’ booties. If I don’t put it on my lips the night before, I can tell that they’re parched the next day.

My sleepin’ goggles

Yep, I’m one of those people who can’t sleep without my sleepin’ goggles, or, um, a sleep mask! : ) The act of putting them on is such a signal to my brain that it’s time for sleep. If I do find myself without, I jerry-rig one out of a t-shirt or a pillow.

I snagged my current pair from the Anthropologie sale room around January of last year, but I’ve also owned these from Amazon which I loved and used for years until the elastic band just gave up from use. I stick them in the wash every other wash to make sure no sneaky residual makeup, oils, or dead skin stick around for long - gotta keep it fresh and clean!


Yes, I have a bougie, fuzzy eye mask as well as an old camping headlamp from REI, and often wear them on my head at the same time! LOL! Just ask my hubby or my BFFs, as they have witnessed it first hand. Here’s the thing - sometimes John wants to go to sleep while I want to stay awake to read. Or, as is true while pregnant having to pee all night long or taking care of babies in the night, you just need a hands-free night light that isn’t super bright.

Headlamps (on the red light) are the BEST for reading and maneuvering in the dark because they are hands-free and the light follows wherever you look! The red hue doesn’t affect your night vision and doesn’t require any recovery time once you turn it off (thanks, that one Astronomy class in college!) It just doesn’t get more convenient than that.

The book I’m reading

I keep my Passion Translation Bible on my nightstand and usually start or end the day with scripture. I got it for Christmas and have been loving the poetic, descriptive, easy-to-read words that get to my heart a little more quickly than the translations I grew up on, though I still love NIV and ESV.

Besides that, I keep whatever book(s) I’m currently reading for easy access. I just go with whatever I’m feeling that morning or night. Sometimes I want fiction, sometimes more self-help, and sometimes I go for a very random special interest book (I’m lookin at you, The Joy of Forest Bathing). Either way, reading is my favorite way to get my mind jogging in the morning and settled down at night.

My Journal + Pen

Finally, I always have my current journal and my favorite pen close at hand. I’ll write thoughts, prayers, things I’m thankful for, dreams, and lists of things that pop into my head that I don’t want to forget. If inspiration strikes first thing in the morning or late at night (as it often does without the added distractions of the daytime), I like being prepared with my journal and pen right there.


Rest assured, there are plenty more items on and in my nightstand that are generally non-blog-worthy, like those tiny packets of tissues, old cards that mean a lot to me, gift cards (so I don’t lose them), and less used jewelry. To be honest, it could use a good clean-out and a proper styling session! But, ya know, it’s life, and not everything can be cleaned out and styled perfectly all at once! It’s just a law of physics.

Do you share any of the same bedside must-haves as mine on your nightstand? What’s on your nightstand now? I think this is a fun, low-key, & v random way to learn about someone!

Wishing you a calm, relaxing bedroom and long nights of dreamy sleep!
