Reminders for A New Year

In this season of beginnings, I want to remind myself, and you, to

arrive to this year as you are.

I’ll admit, I’m a not a person as excited about the finishing of things as I am the beginning of them. When beginning, you have full license to proclaim, “I’m new!”

Knowing your newness relieves some of the fear and pressure of starting and trying. The perfectionist in me can sometimes stall out on starting because I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it.

Who cares if it’s imperfect as long as you’re there, trying, and learning?

Who cares it it’s imperfect if you’re present, connecting, and laughing? Sharing your hardships? Offering a loving word?

There’s something about January that can cause us to feel like we’ve already got to have it together, to have it down perfect, and to not mess up.

January, to me, is about arriving as a beginner again.

Hello year, I’m Sam! I’m new, too! Want to be friends?

If you are fumbling, or had a plan and it’s not working or hasn’t been implemented yet, or you feel like you’re not good at this whole January/new year/new intentions thing, be patient.

You’re new at this.

And also, congratulations! You are flesh and spirit and dynamic and multi-faceted.

The important thing is to arrive just as you are to this one life!

Show up imperfect.

Be willing to not be great at it.

Have a good sense of humor and laugh at yourself.

Make friends who are trying the same things as you.

January, to me, is implementing small disciplines and dreaming big dreams.

It is considering small progresses HUGE WINS!

It is the hope of achievement, small daily efforts, and peace that the process itself is achievement.

Cliché, I know. But really — the process itself is achievement.

Included in process: setbacks, adjustments, stalling. Yep, those are a part of achievement!

You’re not a robot. You are human! Beautiful, messy.

Arriving as I am includes understanding my season, my personality, my fears, and my unique big dreams. What a mishmash!

January, to me, is about planning the fun I get to look forward to.

This is fun in the daily, the weekly, and those more extravagant celebrations that only come every so often.

Thursday date nights. Friday make-pizza-at-home nights.

Monthly allowances to shop at the fancy grocery store and buy the local meat.

Monthly invites of friends to come over into our crazy to share a meal and many interrupted conversations, but, together, so it’s better.

Birthdays, anniversaries, road trips.

The backdrop of my children’s memories.

Connection, connection, connection.

This mid-January, I want to tell you,

just come on right like you are.

(Said in my most Carolina-country accent, just like my grandma Della.)

Jammie pants and crusty sleep eyes.

Weary heart and strained relationships.

New rhythms and routines, and hopes for your future.

Bring em all.

I’m right there with you.

2022, you are a year of grace, I feel it!

Holding on to it,


P.S. Please share some of your hopes and dreams for the year with me! How do you approach the new year? Do you have any special things you do to get inspired or prepare?