Small Steps to Stay Sane during Coronacrazy

Hi there! After getting out a bit of a cluster of thoughts regarding Coronavirus over on this blog post, I feel a bit freer to share a simple list of small steps to help you stay sane as we hunker down for the remainder of quarantine.

Many wonderful people have expressed similar tools, and for that, I am so grateful! We truly need each other, and honestly, I feel like I need these reminders every day, multiple times per day. These are just little steps that have helped me, especially during this time! I’d love to hear your thoughts on what has been helpful for you, too. Comment below!


Contact someone you love every single day

Calling or FaceTime is best, but texting will do, too! When I’ve started feeling the funk, it has helped so much to hear/see someone I love and to chat about how we’re doing. I am amazed at how much we really need each other, not just in a time like this, but in life! That is one thing I hope to carry over into normal life once all of this has settled down - more intentional contact and connection with the people I love.

Move your body, and get fresh air

Cabin fever is real, y’all! It brings a lot of life into my days to set aside time to move my body and get outside. I’ve been enjoying streaming Yoga With Adriene on youtube, which is easy to do inside and her videos are usually 30 minutes or less. She has yoga specific to all kinds of needs, like relief from anxiety and stress. Even the kiddos would like it! Youtube offers tons of free fitness videos fun for the whole fam (or just you!)

And I’ve loved getting outside to walk or hike. It feels great to get my eyes off of a screen and into the real world. Even if you just sit on a porch or walk to get your mail, make sure to get fresh air.

Turn off media daily for regular intervals of time

Yep, turn. it. off. I’ve limited my news intake to headlines only, one time a day. There’s not really anything more I need to know the remainder of the hours of the day! I also recommend limiting your social media intake. I feel myself getting a little overwhelmed the more time I spend on Facebook or Instagram. They are wonderful tools to stay connected, especially now, but you don’t need to keep checking in all day long. Give yourself a little more mental peace! I have more helpful tips on how to take social media breaks here, and how to create better boundaries with your technology here.

Make a meal plan and prep your food

We’re all staying in way more these days, which has meant eating in, perhaps a lot more than you’re used to! The trick is less about knowing exactly what we’ll eat on which day, but having many options for meals, with ingredients ready to go. Having a plan will help keep you and your family in a sense of peace, knowing there is enough for everyone (and you’ll have some answers to the question “what’s for dinner?”)

I actually find it quite peaceful to look through my fridge and pantry, see what we have and essentials we need, and to make a plan for easy, healthy meals for the week ahead. I mostly focus on dinners, and keep some regular breakfast and lunch staples stocked for easy meals. Bonus: it will prevent extra trips to the grocery store, which is especially helpful during this time.

Once you get your groceries, freeze any meat you don’t need right away (if you won’t be cooking it that day or the next), and go ahead and prep some of the food for your meals. I’ll usually boil eggs, make one batch of snack foods to have on hand (like energy balls or muffins), and then go ahead and cook up some potatoes or rice to have ready to reheat easily.

Do your chores (and get the fam to help!)

I’ve worked from home for many years, and having a clean space helps immensely to remain peaceful, productive, and to break up the day into understandable sections of time. Regularly tidying is the main task at hand - folding blankets and fluffing up the couch when you’re done with your morning coffee, making the bed, or simply putting away dishes and wiping off the counters after a meal or snack.

And since we’re in it for the long haul here, I recommend having daily cleaning tasks for each member of the family just to keep the business of home running smoothly. That includes laundry (putting away dirty clothes, sorting, running the washer/dryer, folding, putting away), sweeping, cleaning out the fridge, taking out the trash, cleaning the bathroom, etc.

Journal daily

I have kept journals most of my life, and writing out my thoughts and feelings has always been the way I process myself and the world around me. It is a safe place to come undone and be honest, and it feels so good to get things out! During this time especially, I have found myself writing every day, just a few lines, but allowing myself to be totally honest with how I’m doing. Or I’ll just record what we did, watched, something funny or delightful, prayers, or Scripture that meant a lot to me. Even if you’re not a regular journal-keeper, grab a notebook and give yourself just 3 minutes to free-write. See how you feel! If you like it, keep it up each day through this time.

Fill your home with peaceful music

I don’t know about you, but I have been reaching a limit with noise in the house since all this began. I don’t want to hear the TV droning on for hours! And even podcasts and audiobooks have a limit for me. I’ll switch things up by giving myself an audio break (silence/talking/going outside) and then putting on some peaceful worship music. It sets the tone, provides some rest and joy, and allows me to go about work without requiring too much of my brain space. Click here for a worshipful playlist I’ve made, or here for a favorite playlist my sister-in-law made. Or click here to listen to Mission House Music, the band I toured with last fall!


Listen, I don’t know where you’re coming from today. You may have an active prayer life, or you may feel like any of your prayers to God are so few and far between, and you’re not even sure if He’s real, if He cares, or if He listens at all. I just want to invite you, no matter where you’re coming from today, no matter where you find yourself, pray a little prayer. It’s a safe place for you to ask for help, to cry, or to be upset.

Since all of this has started, John and I have been praying a lot more out loud with each other before bed. It has been such a nice reset before falling asleep, away from lists, worries, projects, and discussions. It totally re-centers me, gives me tangible peace, and helps me to again recognize God’s voice from worry-voices.

I know you keep hearing it, but it’s true. We are really in this together!

No one is a pro at this, no one knows when things will get back to normal or if they ever really will. My emotions swing so wildly from one day, one hour to the next, and all I can do is have patience and grace with myself, and implement small steps of things I can control into my day. I hope these little tidbits help spur you on to keep breathing, keep living, and keep finding those nuggets of gold in these days.

As always, I’m here if you need anything!
All my love,
