Most Popular Posts of 2020 (& a survey for you!)

Ah, 2020.

A year many of us would prefer not to look back on! LOL! And I don’t blame you. Even though I took a sizable chunk of the year off blogging for maternity leave, you guys kept coming back here for more. These were my most popular posts of 2020!


Thank you for a great year, and for your kind support! I really do love to write, so I will keep sharing the fun, the deep, the ordinary, and the silly parts of my life right here on Samantha Ray Writing.

Could you do something for me?

If you are a reader (or want to be), would you please take a moment to answer this short feedback survey? I want to keep writing about things you’re interested in, whether it be for some light entertainment, recommendations, or taking a look at the less shiny parts of our lives and trying to mine the gold there.

From my writing desk (aka my laptop on my couch surrounded by baby laundry) to you wherever you are,

