How To Have a Great Staycation

It’s a kitschy word, but a Staycation can be super fun and empowering!

Have you ever felt frozen by the idea of a proper vacation? The money, the complicated logistics of travel, the time needed to take off of work, arranging child- or pet-care. It’s enough to make you throw your hands up and just stay home…. again and again until it’s been 10 years and you haven’t really had a good vacay.


But you know what? Staying home doesn’t mean you can’t also have a vacation… at home! I am a BIG believer in the vacation. It is so important to mental, spiritual, and emotional health to periodically disrupt the normal rhythm of your life to do something new with the people you love. It creates special memories and a reinvigorated perspective on your life, cultivating a greater sense of gratitude.

But it doesn’t have to break the bank in the process!


Below are my best tips to enjoy a great staycation!

  1. Stay within an hour of your home

    The most important thing is to stay close to home! This keeps your choices manageable and limited, and your travel time in check (which saves on gas!) It also forces you to find some gems closeby that you may not have discovered or considered otherwise!

  2. Plan at least one full day of activities

    If you’re sleeping at home, plan at least one whole day of staycation activities to actually make it something special. That means morning, daytime, and night! Choose activities that are kinda normal but you don’t usually do because #life (movies, bowling, driving range, a picnic), or activities that are little more out of the ordinary, like attending a nearby festival. The important thing is to get out of the house!

  3. Try AirBnB

    If you want to make it a little more vacay-like, but still save on some money, check out some of the cool AirBnBs in your area! Even if it’s for one night, staying somewhere else helps a staycation feel even more special and indulgent, a little more of a pause from normal life. You can find some really cool places, like Yurts, tiny homes, treehouses, or fancy downtown lofts!

  4. Pick one lame activity : )

    Ok, so obviously you can pick whatever activities you want, but I like to throw in at least one nerdy activity to really indulge in some hyper-local flavor. This includes historic sites, museums, gardens, or roadside attractions. These usually become my favorite memories!

  5. Choose restaurants you haven’t tried yet or that you rarely go to

    This helps to ensure you feel like you’re not just having a normal day in the life. Try something new, or finally go to that restaurant you keep hearing about! It might be a little more money, but it’ll make a great memory. I advise you to choose ahead of time (so you don’t waste time during the day) and even check out the menu beforehand to get excited!

  6. Turn off all distractions!

    That’s right! No work, no phone calls, limit social media if you can help it. Of course, take pictures to capture those memories! I like to take pictures and video on my camera roll, then take 10 minutes to batch-post to my Insta stories if that’s something I want to do! Turning off distractions helps you to fully engage in the sacredness of the day, and to make it extra special with your loved ones.

  7. Check out local City Guides and “Best-of” lists to help you come up with fun ideas

    If you need some creative ideas, google search! Try phrases like “Best things to do in ______” “Best restaurants in ______” or “_____ City Guide.” Pinterest is a great resource as well! A little sleuthing and planning can go a long way! You’ll be surprised at all the amazing things your area has to offer. I think it’s empowering and important to become a tourist of your area! And if you’re in Raleigh, you can take a gander at my Raleigh City Guide for some staycation inspo!

  8. If you stay at home, turn home into something different than the ordinary

    I get it, sometimes you just want to stay home! I urge you, if you do this, make sure the experience is something different than your average weekend. No chores, and no distractions! You could choose to sit around reading books, doing an all-day movie marathon, walks/hikes nearby, or a home-based scavenger hunt! Just make sure to stick some fun meals in there, whether you have a bake-a-thon, do DoorDash, or stick in a frozen pizza. Just plan ahead, and make it something special!

So if you don’t have any travel plans in the nearish future, but you want to do something a little out of the ordinary and special, give a Staycation a try, and let me know what you think!

Have you tried a staycation? If you have, what were some of your favorite experiences?

Here’s to making the ordinary the most sacred!


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